Saturday, August 11, 2007

Apple is the evil empire

Okay, third post and it's time to stir up a nerdy hornet's nest. To all those Macintosh fanboys out there slavishly adoring every colourless overmarketed turd Steve Jobs punches out: Apple is evil.

Yes, they're innovators. In the Macintosh, the iPod and the iPhone they have ingeniously taken other people's inventions, made them into user-friendly killer apps, and crashed into the marketplace changing the entire world of consumer technology. The products that aren't from them are copied from them.

But here's the rub. Each of these products has been deliberately designed to limit their use in critical ways and solely to the benefit of Apple. The tiny software base of the Mac, the Digital Rights Management of the iPod and the locked-down status of the iPhone make these beautiful products of engineering more profitable per unit, but the frustration is crushing to the soul of the true technophile.

Apple has managed to sell a hell of a lot of people on their image as the "alternative", for the funky creative types, but the fact is, they just have good marketers. They shrewdly pick their product placements and are a lot more clever in their advertising campaigns. Aside from that, Apple is as soulless and empty as any other corporation out there. Apple has a lot in common with Steve Jobs' other enterprise, Disney - they attract creative people to make great things, then hollow their creations out from the inside.

The best thing that could happen to the world of consumer technology is the collapse of Apple once and for all, so all that free-floating talent can come out and really play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You so NASTY!!! ;-)