Monday, September 24, 2007

The Mandela Bushism

I'm burned about this.

At this stage, everyone in the world who doesn't spend 18 hours a day pushing a wooden plough has been exposed to the latest special Bush gaffe, probably by some horrible radio jerk or other person who depends on the topical humour du jour to amuse halfwits.

The rage I'm feeling about this is twofold. Firstly, the hacks are so very excited about this, but they're only getting any mileage out of it by pulling it out of context. The man says something moronic every day. He was a fratboy and a drunk well into his forties at least. And the best you can pull out of that situation is this crap?

The second thing I'm seeing red spots about is the sinking feeling I now get whenever something like this happens, because I know I'll be assailed with weak-as-piss jokes about it for the next 48 to 72 hours.

It's time to give up the topical humour thing for dead. Jon Stewart is still allowed to do it of course, but otherwise it needs to be a strictly controlled permit system, and it must be conclusively proven any topical humour is based upon original research.

Anyone who has no idea what I'm dribbling about, hopefully this is a clip.

Ahar, success! My scriptkiddy powers are great and you shall kneel before me!

Yes, I have just based a whole post around showing you this clip.

Do not make lame jokes about this, or God will punish you.

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